The collection of scientific papers presents the materials of scientific research on agriculture, crop production and plant breeding. The collection is included in the list of scientific publications of the Republic of Belarus for publishing the results of dissertation research. The collection is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Full texts of articles are available on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU at:
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The results of research on the influence of crop cultivation technology on weed infestation of crops and yield of subsequent barley are presented. It was found that under the influence of that factor, the number of weeds in barley crops varied within the range of 3-99 pcs/m2, fresh weight equaled to 7.7-321.6 g/m2, grain yield made up 24.6-35.7 q/ha. When cultivating the preceding corn after semi-fallow tillage with the application of the herbicides of MaisTer Power, OD (1.5 l/ha) and Adengo, SC (0.4 l/ha), barley yield was 35.0 and 35.2 q/ha, respectively; with the use of Gardo Gold, SC herbicide (4.0 l/ha) against the background of Volnik Super, WS (2.5 l/ha) application, barley yield was 34.8 q/ha.
The research results of the study on the effect of herbicide use in narrow-leaved lupine crops for 2021-2023 are described in the article. It was found that the use of soil herbicides in pure form on average for the years of the research provided biological efficiency in the range of 71.2-80.4 % by the number of weeds and 81.1- 87.4 % by their crude weight in 30 days after application; in 60 days after application those values equaled to 64.2-73.1 % and 67.9-81.9 %, respectively. Application of tank mixtures reduced weed infestation by 78.3-82.7 % in number of weeds and by 87.0-90.6 % in their weight in 30 days after application; in 60 days after application those indices were 78.6-81.1 and 81.8-88.4 %, respectively. When applying the studied herbicides in pure form, the maximum increase in grain yield (3.9 q/ha (21.9 %)) was provided by Gardo Gold, SE (2.5 l/ha) and Grom, SC (1.0 l/ha). The highest yield increase due to the application of tank mixtures was obtained using Grom, SC (0.5 l/ha) + Prometrex Flo, SC (1.5 l/ha) and Grom, SC (0.5 l/ha) + Pulsar, WS (0.5 l/ha); it made up 5.7 and 4.0 q/ha (32.0 and 22.5 %), respectively.
In 2021-2023 the effect of active ingredients of the main herbicides on ontogenesis of fiber flax was studied; the shortage of yield and quality of flax products against the background of manual weeding of the cenosis was identified. Herbicides based on clopyralid and quizalofop-P-ethyl have the minimal inhibition of plant development with a reduction in seed and fiber yields of up to 5%. The maximum inhibition of plants was identified due to the use of herbicides with the active ingredient of MCPA acid, which provided the shortage of seed yield up to 14%, long scutched fiber up to 27% and its quality reduction by 1-2 numbers in comparison with manual weeding. Therefore, it is recommended to use this group of herbicides as a part of tank mixtures with herbicides based on sulfonylurea and clopyralid derivatives and with reduced doses, at which the fiber shortage was reduced to 13-15%.
The paper presents the results of the research conducted in 2020–2022 to study the efficiency of applying various types of nitrogen fertilizers to the winter wheat variety Elegy in early spring, depending on the period of application. It’s established that the efficiency of the studied types of nitrogen fertilizers depends on weather conditions at the time of fertilizers application. With unreasonably early (before vegetation) application of UAN, the increase in grain yield decreased from 27.1% to 5%. The application of ammonium sulfate before vegetation made it possible to obtain the maximum yield increase of 21.0% compared to the control, when applied 14 days after the resumption of vegetation - only 9.9%. The application of urea regardless of the period of application, made it possible to obtain the yield increase of 13.6–15.8% compared to the control variant.
The paper states the results of the studies on the impact of urea and ammonium sulfate on the yield and quality of Siberian millet grain under soil and climatic conditions of the south-western part of the Republic of Belarus. It’s established that ammonium sulfate is not inferior to urea in terms of efficiency and has a positive effect on the grain quality.
The research results of the effect of sowing terms and rates on grain yield of naked oats are presented in the article. It was found that the photosynthetic potential of crops when sowing early and 7 days later at sowing rates of 5.5-6.5 million/ha of germinable seeds was approximately at similar level and made up 2106-2203 thousand m2/ha × days. The maximum grain yield of naked oats (48.4 q/ha) was obtained when sowing the crop 7 days after the onset of physical ripening of soil with a sowing rate of 5.5 million/ha of germinable seeds.
Under favourable weather conditions at the beginning of spring field work, the highest grain yield of Deva variety was obtained at early sowing term straight after the onset of physical ripening of soil. With excessive rainfall and the formation of soil crust causing a decrease in the field germination of seeds, the maximum yield of the variety was obtained when sowing 7 days after the onset of physical ripening of the soil. Under favourable weather conditions at the beginning of spring field work when barley was sown with the onset of physical ripening of the soil, Deva variety should be cultivated with a sowing rate of 3.5-4.0 million/ha of germinable seeds. With excessive soil moisture during that period and the possibility of soil crust formation, the sowing rate made up 4.5 million seeds per hectare. On average for three years, the hulless barley variety of Deva exceeded the hulless variety of Adamant in grain yield by 31 % at the average, and in the hulled barley variety of Dobry the excess was by 16.6 %.
The research results on the dynamics of sugar beet growth in the Central part of the Republic of Belarus for the period 2014-2023 are summarized in the article. The influence of weather conditions on the growth and development of sugar beet plants in separate periods of vegetation was studied. Long-term studies established that the strongest dependence of yield on the amount of precipitation and air temperature was in July, August and September. Sugar content of root crops depended mostly on the amount of precipitation in September and the amount of temperature in August and September.
The results of research on studying the dynamics of leaf area formation of soybean early-ripening determinant variety Pripyat under conditions of two varieties of sod-podzolic soils (medium loamy and sandy loam slightly gleyic) cultivated against the background of three technologies of different intensity (intensive, normal, extensive) are presented. It was found that the maximum leaf area of soybean was formed in 2022-2023 in the phase of the beginning of seed filling on medium loamy soil and equaled to 3.0 m2 /m2. On sandy loam soil only in 2021 the leaf area of soybean in the flowering phase almost corresponded to that indicator on medium loamy soil (2.2-2.3 m2/m2), and in 2022-2023 was lower by 1.4-2.0 times. The greatest differences in leaf area index between intensive and extensive technologies were observed on sandy loam soil. Leaf area is an indicator largely dependent on soil and climatic conditions and cultivation technology and it is suggested to be used for stress assessment under different growing conditions.
The paper presents the results of the research on the formation of the yield of winter triticale variety Kovcheg depending on fungicidal plant protection options under the conditions of the central part of Belarus. It was established that the highest grain yield of winter triticale on average over the years of the research was obtained with the protection of the flag leaf with the fungicide Elatus RIA, EC and protection of the ear with Magnello, EC – 84.3 c/ha. The increase to the control variant was 12.4 c/ha due to the formation of the number of grains in the ear and the 1000-grain weight. That technique made it possible to form the maximum number of grains per ear – 40.8 pcs. and the 1000-grain weight – 38.2 g.
The article presents the results of research on studying the cultivation conditions of fungi of Rhizoctonia sp. genus for the development of infectious material and adaptation of techniques of artificial infection of winter wheat plants with the pathogen under laboratory conditions. Nutrient media and grain substrates with different composition were studied. As a result of the studies it was revealed that the most favourable nutrient medium for the growth of fungi of Rhizoctonia sp. genus is yeast agar. For obtaining a grain substrate for the development of Rhizoctonia sp. infectious material, it is recommended to use pure millet grain and mixtures that include wheat grain. For evaluation of winter wheat breeding material to Rhizoctonia sp. disease under laboratory conditions, it is suggested to use a mixture of infectious material and sterile sand as a substrate.
The results of the research on the determination of the biological and economic efficiency of Pirelli, EC insecticide in the protection of rapeseed crops from a complex of pests are presented in the article. It was found that on the third day after treatment, the use of the preparation on winter and spring rapeseed crops allowed to reduce the number of cruciferous flea beetles by 92.7-95.8 %, the number of imago of rape stem weevils by 94.2-96.6 %, the number of rapeseed beetles by 90.8-97.7 %, the number of cabbage seedpod beetles by 92.6-100 %, and the number of pods damaged by swede midge by 49.1-60.7 %. Those measures had a positive effect on the yield structure and increased the yield of winter rape oilseeds by 7.5-10.2 q/ha (25.5-34.7 %) and spring rapeseed yield by 7.0-8.8 q/ha (29.9-37.6 %) compared to the plots without crop protection.
The results of the study on the efficiency of insecticide protection of midripening red clover seed grass var. Vitebchanin are presented in the article. It has been established that when the economic threshold of pest infestation is reached, treatment of red clover grass with Fastac, EC and Theja, SC insecticides leads to the decrease of clover seed weevil number by 83.7-88.9 % and alfalfa plant bug number by 79.0-90.2 %. The damage of red clover inflorescences by clover seed weevil larvae was reduced by 85.1-86.6 %. Seed yield increase made up 0.89-1.02 q/ha or 52.1-59.1 %.
In the Central Non-Chernozem region of Russia, under conditions of waterlogging, medium-cultivated sod-podzolic soil of medium loamy granulometric composition with increased and high availability of mobile phosphorus and potassium, the yield of pea and Australian winter pea grains of the maximum level of 4-6.6-5.7 t/ha was formed with the application of P80K110 or N30P80K110 on the background of insectofungicidal protection with biostimulants. With moderate aridity (GTK 1.02), the yield decreased by 30-35% or up to 3.2-3.7 t/ha.
For narrow-leaved lupine of the determinant type dry conditions (GTK 0.85- 1.02) or normal humidification (GTK 1.33) are preferable providing from 3.5-3.6 t/ha to 4.6-4.8 t/ha of grain on the background of full plant protection when applying P60K60 and N50P60K60.
Moderately arid conditions (GTK 1,16) with a lack of precipitation during grain formation (June - the first twenty days of July) or excessive moisture (GTK 2,24) ensured the production of 3.2–3.4 t/ha of grain also on the background of full plant protection in the N50P60K60 variant with biostimulants.
The article presents the results of many year research on the efficiency of the main elements of oats cultivation technology and their economic significance under the soil and climate conditions of Belarus. It’s established that oats cultivation for producing elite seeds is profitable if the yield exceeds 30 c/ha and 1 class food grain - 50 c/ha. In the technology of the crop cultivation the following agricultural practices are determining for obtaining the greatest economic effect: sowing at an optimal early period with a sowing rate of 4.5 million/ha of viable seeds; using nitrogen fertilizers (N90), microfertilizers, growth regulators; protection of crops from pests and, above all, from weeds; harvesting within 5 days after grain ripening; timely variety change.
The paper deals with the yield and economic efficiency of growing food potatoes with the local application of the complex organomineral granular prolonged fertilizer CGF "IPAN" and planting distance of 75 cm. When applying CGF "IPAN", the yield increase for the varieties was 2.0-22.6 t/ha (Pershatsvet), 12.4-21.2 t/ha (Skarb) and 1.8-15.0 t/ha (Rubin) compared with the control option. The application of the fertilizer made it possible to increase profitability by 7.71-31.49 % for the Pershatsvet variety, 30.16-47.99 % for the Scarb variety and 3.61-20.23 % for the Rubin variety.
The research results of the use of such biological preparations as Agromik, Zh, Gordebak, Zh, Baktofish, Zh, Baktopin, Zh, Vermix, Zh in oilseed flax cultivation technology are presented in the article. The studies were conducted on the experimental fields of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Flax" in 2021- 2023. The positive effect of biological products on biometric indicators, seed yield and its structure, accumulation and collection of oil per hectare of crops was revealed. The economic efficiency of new cultivation techniques was calculated. It was established that the complex use of Agromik, Zh product made it possible to form the highest oilseed flax yield (17.0 q/ha). The accumulation of dry matter and oil was 35.1 and 43.1 %, respectively. At the same time, the oil yield per hectare of crops amounted to 6.4 q, the cost of products made up 2050.0 rubles/ha, net income was 687.78 rubles/ha, and profitability was 36.9 %.
The results of the research on studying the productivity of sorghum crops in different phases of harvesting ripeness at once-cut and two-cuts modes of use on sodpodzolic sandy loam soil in the south-east of Belarus are presented in the article. It was established that the highest productivity is provided by sugar sorghum crops. Sowing on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil in the second ten-day period of May provides herbage yield in the phase of the beginning of panicle emergence equaled to 470 q/ha on average which is 7 % higher than the yield of SSH, 19 and 24 % higher than Sudan grass and grain sorghum, respectively. Yield of sorghum aftermath received in late September-early October ranged from 67 to 98 q/ha. The herbage yield of sorghum crops in two-cuts mode of use is 9-25 % lower compared to the yield of herbage harvested in the phase of milk-wax ripeness of grain (519-717 q/ha).
The research results of the formation of fodder productivity by pasture grasses with Festulolium loliaceum are presented in the paper. It is established that for the research period of 2012-2014, the productivity of grass stands depended on weather conditions, component composition, and a year of use. The total dry matter yield in grass mixtures was 251.9-292.8 kg/ha. Crude protein yield in binary stands is not inferior to multi-component grasses and makes up 16.7-17.0 and 15.5-17.3 q/ha. Exchange energy yield ranged from 89.6 to 102.9 MJ/kg DW. Provision of 1 kg of dry matter with crude protein and exchange energy is high enough and corresponds to zootechnical requirements and equals to 17.7-19.2 % and 10.5-10.8 MJ/kg, respectively.
The results of studies on the productivity of awnless rump in three-component grass stands on drained sod-podzolic swampy sandy soil underlain by sand are presented in the article. It has been established that with the hay mode of using awnless rump with alfalfa and additional cereal components (meadow fescue, tall fescue, festulolium) in grass stands, on average, over the first three years of use, the yield of herbage is formed at the level of 420.6–437.6 q/ha, the dry matter yield at the level of 82.9–86.9 q/ha. The results of the chemical analysis of forage show that timely harvesting of grass stands (the beginning of the heading of cereal species and the budding of legume species) guarantees obtaining high-quality above-ground biomass, which in terms of the content of crude fiber, crude protein and exchange energy corresponds to zootechnical requirements.
The results of the study and use of plant genetic resources in the development of varieties and hybrids are described in the article. The National Seed Bank of Plant Genetic Resources created in RUE “The Research and Practical Center of NAS of Belarus for Arable Farming” is the most important reserve of valuable initial material for breeding. As a result of long-term field and laboratory study of the collection material, the sources of valuable characters were isolated, feature collections were created and are actively used in breeding. On their basis, 50 new plant varieties have been developed over the last three years. For the first time in Belarus, basic, active, working, and field collections of seeds of the initial sample, target feature, core collections of the most economically important agricultural plants have been formed. To date, the Gene Bank has been included in the State Register of Scientific Objects of the National Heritage.
As a result of a comprehensive assessment of collection samples of the winter rye gene pool under soil and climate conditions of the central part of the Republic of Belarus the forms were identified that were promising for use in breeding for grain yield as sources of definite structural elements of plant productivity.
The main results of obtaining new tetraploid forms of winter rye using nitrous oxide (N2O) as a polyploidising reagent are presented in the article. High efficiency of the developed technique is shown. The yield of tetraploid seeds averaged 43 %, varying from 3.9 to 86 % depending on the genotype, time interval between pollination and setting into nitrous oxide. The use of nitrous oxide ensures a high yield of chromosomally balanced tetraploids already in the first generation. Despite a number of disadvantages (disturbances in meiosis, reduced grain content per ear, susceptibility to ergot, etc.), tetraploid varieties in Belarus are in demand in agricultural production, as well as for triticale breeding. For 2014-2023, based on the results of the research, three varieties of winter tetraploid rye were developed and included into the “State Register of Varieties of the Republic of Belarus”, such as: Belaya Vezha (2014), Rosana (2019), Kameya 16 (2021). The variety Kameya 16 is currently a control in the State Variety Trials of the Republic of Belarus.
The results of evaluation of the best winter rye varieties and F1 hybrids by yield and adaptability parameters are described in the paper. The level of their ecological plasticity and stability was established. The agroclimatic conditions under which the studied varieties grew were evaluated. The level of stress tolerance and genetic flexibility of winter rye was calculated. The most productive varieties with high adaptive potential were selected for inclusion in breeding programmes for high tolerance to abiotic stressors.
The main results of the study of breeding samples of I1-I5 generations obtained by the crossing of winter rye self-fertile lines and population varieties in the development of high-yielding F1 hybrids are presented in the article. 47 perspective lines of the fifth generation I5 with high level of grain setting (from 52.5 to 96.1%) and high grain productivity (from 200.2 to 316.1 g per metre run) were selected. 314 new inzucht lines were obtained on the basis of four F1 hybrids of Western European breeding, such as: KWS Bono, Serafino, Vinetto, ZU Kossani; 263 of them (or 83.8%) had ear fertility over 40%.
The research results of the estimation of economic efficiency of cultivation of new winter rye varieties developed in RUE “The Research and Practical Center of NAS of Belarus for Arable Farming” for the last 5 years are described in the article. It has been established that the profitability level of cultivation of new winter rye varieties was 38.5-59.2%. The expansion of areas under such population varieties as Ulissa, Zhaleika and hybrid (F1) Belgi would increase yield by 7.9-9.5 % and up to 27.5%, respectively, and, therefore, the gross yields of winter rye grain in the Republic of Belarus.
The results of heterosis effect evaluation and character inheritance pattern in winter rapeseed F1 hybrids distinguished by increased resistance to phomosis (Phoma lingam (Tode) Desm.) are presented in the article. F1 hybrids and their parental forms were evaluated by the main morphological and agronomic characters, such as: plant height and branching, central brush length, number of first-order branches, number of pods on the central brush and on the plant, number of seeds in the pod, thousand seed weight and plant productivity. It was found that heterosis values varied from positive to negative overdominance depending on the selection of parental pairs, the direction of their crosses and the character under study. It was recommended to use k-57/317 line as a source in breeding for increasing yield; k30/15, k-15/246 lines and Imperial variety should be used for the development of short-stemmed varieties and hybrids of winter rapeseed.
The collection of oat samples with different ploidy levels was studied in terms of resistance to blight (Pyrenophora chaetomiodes Speg). Using the method of interspecies hybridization of diploid samples of Avena strigosa (AsAs), which were relatively resistant to blight, and varieties of the hexaploid species Avena sativa (AACCDD), 79 cross combinations were obtained. 99 hybrid embryos were cultivated in in vitro embryoculture. As a result of studying the created initial material economically important, early ripening interspecies oat samples - 47-7, 47- 9, 48-5, 49-11 and 106-6 with high yield and grain quality, tolerant to blight were identified. They are studied in the breeding process.
As a result of studying a set of Belarusian and Russian varieties of winter triticale the sources were identified that significantly exceeded the control in terms of grain yield, number of grains per ear, weight of grain per ear, the 1000-grain weight and their combination for targeted use in breeding programs. Correlations were established between grain yield and the elements of its structure for varieties of Belarusian and Russian breeding.
As a result of intraspecific and distant crosses, 15 hybrid combinations of spring triticale were obtained and the transgressive variability in plant height and yield structure elements (productive bushiness, number of spikelets and grains in an ear, grain weight per ear) in F2, F3 hybrid progenies was evaluated. The isolated genotypes with a high degree of transgression are valuable recombinants for breeding of highly productive competitive varieties of spring triticale.
The article describes the results of the study of blue lupine samples, developed and evaluated using the methods of traditional and marker-assisted breeding for the following characters: anthracnose resistance, bean cracking, alkaloid content, tendency to vernalisation, moisture permeability of seed coat. The main characteristics of new blue lupine variety of Zhakey with reduced branching developed using the described methods are given. The main indicators of productivity, seed quality and morphological characters are presented.
The results of the study of new blue lupine varieties of Dimyan and Iskander in competitive and state variety trials are presented in the article. The main indicators of productivity, seed quality, as well as morphological traits are described. On average for the years of trials (2018-2023), seed yield of Iskander blue lupine variety was 5.8 q/ha (18.2%) higher than that of the control variety, in Dimyan variety that indicator equaled to 6.1 q/ha (19.1%). The content of protein and alkaloids in seeds was 30.0-36.9 and 0.022-0.062%, respectively. The average protein yield in grain in the varieties was 7.4-7.5 q/ha. In terms of dry matter yield, the new varieties exceeded Mirtan control variety by 6.8-8.6 q/ha (13.3-16.4%). The main difference between two new varieties was thousand-seed weight. In Iskander variety, it was larger and reached 181.1 g; in Dimyan variety, it equaled to 140.0 g.
The characteristics and results of the study of new pea varieties in competitive and state variety trials are presented in the article. The main indicators of productivity, grain quality, as well as morphological traits are described. The new varieties are characterised by high productivity potential: the yield of Stimul variety was up to 60.1 q/ha, Kapral variety – up to 49.8 q/ha, protein content amounted to 23.4-24.3 %. The varieties show uniformity in terms of plant height, flowering and maturity. Their distinctive feature is the intensive initial growth of plants and a fairly high resistance to lodging. The varieties have been registered in the State Register of Varieties and are recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Belarus since 2023.
The article presents the results of the evaluation of new corn initial material (constant self – pollinated lines) by indirect features characterizing cold resistance such as: field germination, and the length of the "sowing – full shoots" period. To increase the efficiency of the selection of cold-resistant forms, the provocative background "early sowing term" was used. According to the results of the assessment, among siliceous self – pollinated forms, the following self – pollinated lines with a shorter interphase «sowing – full shoots» period at an early sowing term were identified: BKR 311, BKR 803, BKR 201 – siliceous ones; BKR 804 and BKR1984 – tooth-shaped ones. It was noted that tooth – shaped forms reduced field germination by 9.9 % at an early sowing term compared to the optimal one, while in siliceous forms, that index was 6.7 %.
Among the siliceous forms, BKR 101, BKR 46, BKR 201 self – pollinated lines were isolated. At the early sowing term they decreased field germination to a lesser extent compared with the optimal term.
Among the tooth-shaped forms, BKR 804, BKR 802 and BKR 129 self – pollinated lines with the least reaction to cold soil were identified. BKR 1984, BKR 804, and BKR 703 self – pollinated lines had the maximum field germination at the early sowing term (above 70 %).
The article presents the results of the evaluation of the new source material (constant self - pollinated lines) of sweet corn in terms of a set of morphological and biological traits and adaptability. The sources and donors of economically important traits are identified: early cob flowering (Bn sah. 018/23, Bn sah. 018/32, Bn sah. 018/19, Bn sah. 018/4, Bn sah. 018/30), late cob flowering (Bn sah. 018/9, Bn sah. 018/18), tallness (Bn sah. 018/33, Bn sah. 018/11, Bn sah. 018/8), stunting (Bn sah. 018/13, Bn sah. 018/22, Bn sah. 018/23, Bn sah. 018/24, Bn sah. 018/2), high grain productivity (Bn sah 018/1, Bn sah. 018/6, Bn sah.018/12, Bn sah.018/35), as well as the sources of cob biometric traits that are valuable for breeding. It is proposed to use further self – pollinated lines of sweet corn in breeding programs to create highly productive hybrids of sugar and silage corn.
In the field experiments of 2021-2023, 10 domestic varieties of oilseed flax and 7 lines of breeding variety trials were studied. Their characteristics in terms of crude protein content, oil content and fatty acid composition were given. In the studied varieties and lines, the dependence of the content of oil, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids on the genotypes was established. The content of crude protein depended on environmental conditions. The sources of high and stable oil content (Slavyanin (+1.7 abs. % to the control), Vizir (+1.7 abs. %), Ilim (+1.7 abs. %), Aliance (+1.8 abs. %), Fokus (+2.2 abs. %), Bonus (+3.1 abs. %)) and crude protein (SI 2 (24.95%±1.64%), SI 4 (24.45%±1.98%), SI 5 (25.68%±2.08%) and SI 7 (24.86%±1.88%)) were isolated. They are valuable material for the development of competitive domestic varieties.
The paper presents the results of the impact of the seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizer dose on the duration of the vegetation period of fibre flax, seed yield, seed multiplication coefficient and the 1000-grain weight. The analysis of the economic efficiency of super elite seeds production was carried out, taking into account related products (rotted straw) at different seeding rates and doses of nitrogen fertilizer.
The paper presents the results of the analysis of the quality indicators of long scutched fiber of 42 accessions of flax for 2018-2020. The significance of the contribution of "genotype" and "environment" to the formation of indicators of handful length, fiber color, flexibility, breaking load and average fiber number was established. The sources of handful length were identified: China 1 ТМР1919 (China), Mogilevsky, Alei, Tonus (Russia), B-192 (Lithuania), Esman' (Ukraine) as well as of fiber colors: Alei, Mogilevsky, Belarus, B-150 (Lithuania), Snezhok, Tost 1, VIR-12, VIR-14, VIR-17 (Russia), Lvovskіy 8 (Ukraine),Vera (Czech Republic); of flexibility: Vera (Czech Republic), Alei (Belarus), VIR-13, VIR-14, VIR-12, VIR-17 (Russia), Heiya 8 (China), Lvovsky 6, Lvovsky 8 (Ukraine); of breaking load: Orshansky × Belochka, Tost 1, Nord, VIR-15, Dobrynya, Snezhok (Russia), В-154, В192 (Lithuania) and of average fiber number: Alei, Mogilevsky (Belarus), В-150 (Lithuania), Dobrynya, VIR-13, Saldo × Rodnik (Russia), China 1 ТМР1919 (China).
The article summarizes the results of testing black cumin varieties of the Belarusian breeding Znakharka and Belaruski Dukhmyany - (Nigella sativa L.), Iskra, Sunichny Vodar, Radasts - (Nigella damascena L.) under the conditions of the Middle Volga region. Two varieties of black cumin of the Belarusian breeding are identified: the Znakharka variety (Nigella sativa L.) and the Iskra variety (Nigella damascena L.). Under the conditions of the Republic of Belarus these varieties are distinguished by early ripening, but under the conditions of the Penza region - by medium and medium-late ripening. The high yield of the Znakharka variety (on average 1.0 g/m2) allows considering this variety as a promising one for its introduction into further breeding work as well as for the production of high-quality seed material.