The results of the study of the dependence of oat grain yield on the violation of sowing andharvesting terms are presented in the article. It has been established that at well-timed crop harvesting, oat yield losses caused by the delay with sowing from 10 to 20 days reach 1.3-3.2 t/ha or 18.3-44.5%. The 10-20 day delay with the harvesting of the timely sown crops leads to the losses of 0.5-1.3 t/ha of grain (6.9-18.3%). Compliance with the requirements of oat cultivation, optimal sowing and harvesting terms can save from 6.9 to 59.2% of the yield and increase the profit of the manufactured products by 0.6-4.8 million roubles per hectare.
About the Authors
A. G. VlasovBelarus
S. P. Kahaletsky
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2. Колесникова, В.Г. Приемы ухода и уборки овса в Предуралье: монография / В.Г. Колесникова, И.Ш. Фатыхов. – Ижевск: Изд-во ИжГСХА, 2003. – 164 с.
3. Культурная флора / Под ред. В.Д. Кобылянского, В.Н. Солдатова. – Т. II, Ч. 3: Овес / Н.А. Родионова [и др.]. – М.: Колос, 1994. – 367 с.
4. Организационно-технологические нормативы возделывания зерновых, зернобобовых, крупяных культур: сб. отраслевых регламентов / Нац. акад. наук Беларуси, НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию; рук. разраб.: Ф.И. Привалов [и др.]. – Минск: Беларус. навука, 2012. – 288 с.
For citations:
Vlasov A.G., Kahaletsky S.P. OAT YIELD DEPENDING ON SOWING AND HARVESTING TERMS. Arable Farming and Plant Breeding in Belarus. 2015;(51):128-133. (In Russ.)